Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Am I Too White for MTV?

In a recent conversation I had with an IFOCE official I was told that I was not chosen to appear in a hot dog eating exhibition on an upcoming episode of MTV’s dating show “Next” because I did not fit MTV’s preferred demographic – they chose Arturo Rios instead. Hmm, how can I change demographics? Or maybe demographics was just a code word for ‘not ranked high enough’. I don’t know that would actually make me feel better, at least I have a chance to influence and change rankings but my whiteness is hard to change.


Anonymous said...

Hey Erik, I think it has to be ranking because Rios isn't really in the MTV demographic either. He is close to 30 yrs old which is way too old for an MTV dating show. You are at least more around the age for MTV than he is. I think the IFOCE just had plans for him to do it because he has been coming up as of late more than both your rankings. I mean hs is only like a few spots ahead of you anyways...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm! Strange.

steakbellie said...

