After spending all day at the hospital and eating three meals from the cafeteria I had enough, and I needed some relief from the vending machines. To my delight, the vending machines were like a whole food court by themselves as they were the only vending machines for the entire hospital complex. There were six vending machines to choose from so I closely examined each machine. When I came to the fifth machine to my utter shock and dismay, they were offering Krstal burgers.
Krystal burgers in a vending machine in a hospital in Seattle? You have got to be shitting me.
There isn't a Krystal burger West of Texas and they don't even sell frozen Krystal burgers anywhere. Trust me, during the Krystal Square-Off qualifying season I was trying desperately to get my hands on some frozen Krystals or even White Castle burgers to no avail. So I was starting to get a little suspicious about my sanity but trust me they were there, check out the pics...

In honor of the unexpected and unexplainable occurrence, I had a few Krystal burgers and they even tasted like Krystals!
Well, I moved on cautiously until about four hours later when on my way home from the hospital at 2:00 am I stopped at the local market for…I don’t know more food. As I walked through the doors the market was empty but there was a large sign in the front display staring me down that read “Wookey Hole” (cave aged cheddar) in large orange letters (See pic below).

Just one week earlier I would have thought nothing of the sign but wouldn’t you know it that just a few days earlier the first ever big IFOCE sanctioned eating contest in the UK, a Minced Pie eating contest was held at the Wookey Hole caves in Somerset, UK. Totally random right? I mean who has ever even heard of Wookey Hole? Sonya Thomas destroyed the competition in this contest but that’s not the point.
I had to chuckle at the irony of these things happening to me but the point of it all is that to the untrained or non-believing eyes these two random competitive eating references could seem insignificant. But many great discoveries and inventions have been founded by people who had a keen eye and who refused to ignore curious and seemingly unexplainable anomalies. Take the invention of the microwave for example – one day in 1946, a Raytheon engineer named Dr. Percy Spencer was working for the government testing radar technology when he stopped in front of a magnetron tube which was generating high-frequency radio waves. As Spencer stood in front of the magnetron he realized strangely that a chocolate bar that was in his pocket had melted. Spencer was intrigued by this occurrence so he decided to test other foods. He proceeded to place a bag of popcorn seeds in front of the magnetron, and to the utter shock of those wathcing, the seeds popped! The invention of the microwave followed at Raytheon.
To me, there is no doubt that what I experienced was more than coincidence and undeniably meaningful signs in the same ilk of that chocolate bar melting in Doc Spencer’s pocket.
So the question is, what should I make of these signs? Are the competitive eating Gods trying to send me a message? If so, what message are they sending me? Will I win the Krystal Square Off or be chosen to travel overseas to kick everyone’s ass at Wookey Hole next year? It’s possible. But I have my doubts that the message being sent is that deliberate. I have to search deeper for answers. I think the most reasonable thing I can do is run some tests on myself, challenge myself, see if I can harness the energy and we’ll see what happens.
I find your site quite refreshing and informative as compared to eatfeats that permits these idiots to bring their health issues into the forum. One in particular that thrives on attention , baked beans and horrible grammar. I am not referring to Dale Boone.
How did the vending machine have Krystals? That is so very bizarre. Did the machine heat them up, too? These machines bring a whole new level to my "vending machine eating challenge" that I officially won't shut up about.
Obviously, the gods are telling you to not forget about CE during the off-season. Making sure your mind is sharp.
Seeing the word "Wookey Hole" makes my butt cheeks clench.
please be careful.....
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