Entrance Fee PaidI embark on yet another journey
Into the insecurity of self-evaluation
My need for validation is revealed
And yet disguised in the inevitable action of massive consumption
This is a sub-culture so bizarre
It has encapsulated me as would a tornado I imagine;
No hope of fighting its magnetic pull,
No time to brace myself for the inertia,
Rather an immediate if not forced acceptance
An entrance fee paid for the mind and body-
To a world foreign to the blue and white stained collars
An ignorance of reality creates intrepid desire
To keep the hope of finding answers deep within
And when those milestones are reached
And my body feels the eye of this storm
The results – which come with exceeding speed and no shelf life
Are yet immeasurably satisfying
When the reverb of immediate answers settle
I know only that the questions become more complex
And the exploration becomes more intense and magnified
The rush; the overused adrenalin
The immediacy of potential
To find the illusive revelations
Now stands ominously around the corner
My heart pumps gong-like beats
My skin tightens and bubbles.
With hairs standing on end I wait…
To hear my name called
And enter once again into the unknown
And the Results:8 min contest (IFOCE rank in paranthesis)
1 - Tim "Eater X" Janus(4) - 73
2 - Erik the Red Denmark (12) - 43
3 - Chris the Mad Greek Abatsas(25) - 24
4 - Jim Hammer Hamrick (42) - 23
5 - Damon Serignet (NR) - 22
5 - David "Killer" Kousky (NR) - 22
? - Rick Petralia (NR) - DQ'd after eating around 27
I guess I found the answers I was looking for - got my ass kicked by Tim but could find satisfaction with being on top of the
Wildcard Hunt for now. It's back to the self-evaluation drawing board with new insight.